Monday, May 3, 2010

Talent is a illusion....... without implementation

Can anybody define talent? its the inborn quality that a person has to do a particular task. Some can realize it with few instants but then not fully. During a interview, An interviewee tries to show his qualities which he has & gained in his experience.The Interviewer tries to analyse the quality of the interviewee by speaking to him. But the bottom line is "Is an Interviewer the right person to analyse some one's complete talent?"

Actually talent is with many of us. In fact most of us. But what is more important is to utilise it in the best way to show results.

Talent is also working like the real "U" even under pressure. Thats when a talented person is converted into a genius as "Talent does what can be done. Genius does what should be done". We all should work for exploring our talent & then making use of the talent & do some productive with our talent & prove everybody that who we are.

As Talent is just a illusion about what we are.. and we have to prove that our talent is not a illusion & a reality.

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