Friday, January 1, 2016

A better solution to Free Basic

Free Basic is a facility by Facebook where associate telecoms operator will give free access to few website which mark says will help poor people to connect with everybody.

There is a catch. Only few websites are allowed so basically few rich companies will control your mind in future.

Why is Facebook advertising so much?
Why do Facebook want to give something for free?
Why does Facebook need your permission to roll out free basics?

Basically Facebook is against net neutrality which means that user whether free or paid should be able to visit all website at same speed and user or telecom operator or government will have no control over the availability or speed at which reaches final consumer.

Facebook has tactfully made some arrangements which in future will support the company in long run.

I found an article in times today whether there was better, easier and faster solution to this problem.

Government can spend approx ₹2400cr and give 10mb per month free that's 120mb per year per user. This sim will be allotted to every adhar card to avoid double sim going to single person. This will give the poor access to not only few websites but all potential fields and not few websites which will pay to Facebook.

I think government can give it for free also as bsnl and mtnl are as it into loss. People getting free internet will call and use other services and that can generate more revenue for the company.

Also people because people have limited mb free. They may upgrade and that will extra revenue. Add to that, government will also get appreciation which will be added benefit in next election

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